Balancing the energy of our mind, body, and spirit to help create the ultimate outcome.

Feng Shui.
When we are in harmony with our environment, there is a natural sense of ease where things seem to happen effortlessly. On the other hand, when we are out of balance, we often have the feeling that we are stuck and can’t seem to get ahead, resulting in settling for what we have known to be our comfort zone. Inviting a Feng Shui practitioner into your home or business can help to remove inadvertent blockages that are holding you back from creating your joyful experiences.

Energy Work.
As a certified healer, I enjoy bringing my gifts in the modalities of Signature Cell Healing, Reiki, Chakra Balancing, and Angel Readings & Guidance to whomever may best benefit from them. I would love to welcome you to my practice.

JoAnne Yamane
Through all my trainings, and as I continue to train, I have awakened and tapped into the joyous world of “energy”. I learned that a balanced, harmonious environment, as well as a connection with mind, body and spirit, is supportive to a joyous, healthy and happy life. It brings me great joy and it’s a newfound passion to help people become more connected physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually through Signature Cell Healing, Feng Shui, Reiki and Angel Readings/Angel Guidance.
“What a powerful and immediate difference in energy flow, grounding and balance there is in my living space! Not only did you problem solve my limited space and "too much stuff" issues, you actually were able to creatively use many things I already had that I had just never thought to put together. I kept saying, "Wow..." but I meant it! And every step of the way, you made sure I had the final say and felt comfortable with each change. It was such a good experience that I feel inspired to continue with the "letting go" of items and with improving my space in the ways you suggested. The tune-up to my space has been like a tune-up to me personally... thank you so much!”
— Kathy Y.
“Having my home Feng Shui-ed, shifted the energy in my home, creating more grounding and balance. Joanne spent 4 hours analyzing my home and gave me a list of things to do, in order to achieve this shift. I was in the process of selling my home, but when this new energy permeated my home, I had an alternate choice to remain in my homeby refinancing. The windfall of money that I received, along with theenergy shift, was realized and beneficial. As I am on the path of spiritually evolving, I know that my personal growth is reflected in my personal space, my home, where I regenerate my energy and soul.”
— Cherilyn, Makakilo
“My experience w/our Feng Shui consultation was very helpful. Yes, at first my home didn't have a warm feel to it. Everything in my living room is black and adding the right color pillows for the couch made it feel warm and cozy. Also by making a few adjustments, i could feel the energy shift especially in the bedroom, changing the color of the sheets gave it a calm feeling. Before the bed looked undone, tired, and messy, by just adding a comforter made the bed look inviting and complete. Thanks again for the consultation! ”